Born with a divine gift of alignment and understanding of Earth’s magnetic field and its effect on people and animals alike, Ganishi has devoted his life – heart, soul, mind and energy toward serving and sharing his wonder and teachings with people around the world.

“I look forward with immense excitement to share my learnings and gifts with you.”

Originally authored by Ganishi in Hindi, these texts have been accurately and faithfully translated.

Magnetic Fields and The Human Body

Research has shown that even a mild magnetic field can cause the smallest blood vessels in the body to dilate or constrict …

Brahmasthan Vastu Essentials

Named after Lord Brahma, known as the creator of the world, Brahmastan is the central point of energy of a property …

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is one of the most vital activities required for your body to refuel and recharge you for the next day. …

Explaining Magnetoreception

Magnetoreception is a sense that enables a wide range of animals and organisms to perceive direction …

Variations in Earth’s Magnetic Field

Earth’s magnetospehere is frequently bombarded with solar flares from the Sun, resulting in geomagnetic storms …

Ayurvedia and The Five Elements

The Five Elements of Ayurveda (also known as Panchmahabhuta), the sister science of yoga and …


Imperdiet tempor purus, maecenas pretium et dolor turpis arcu nec orci arcu lacus dictum nunc, ridiculus a vestibulum sapien erat nulla ipsum magna odio.

What they say

“In et fringilla purus volutpat viverra sed felis nibh ullamcorper massa, turpis malesuada faucibus sit tristique ut natoque vel adipiscing nisi, vitae nec.”
Jonah Schwarz
“Vitae purus ante enim, nec iaculis proin erat in nullam ipsum ut in vitae nec aliquam at mattis fermentum sagittis.”
Erin Lawrence
“Commodo viverra platea sed mauris ac, aliquam pellentesque dui, etiam tortor, tincidunt ipsum ac at mi id vitae pretium ac vulputate odio varius.”
Teddy Park

Meet The Experts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Sarah B. Johnson
Alicia Michelle
Michael Rich

Frequent quotes and insights from Ganishi