
The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is one of the most vital activities required for your body to refuel and recharge you for the next day. Aiding recovery, the process of sleep re-energizes the body and helps to restore the energy expended during the day. It is therefore very essential to attain sufficient hours of high-quality sleep every night and …

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Variations in Earth’s Magnetic Field

Earth’s magnetospehere is frequently bombarded with solar flares from the Sun, resulting in geomagnetic storms and visually stunning aurorae. Leaks have more recently been detected to occur in Earth’s magnetic field, which interact with solar storms and have been known to cause large-scale electrical blackouts and disruptions to satellites orbiting Earth. In addition to variations …

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Explaining Magnetoreception

Magnetoreception is a sense that enables a wide range of animals and organisms to perceive direction, altitude and location. Many members of the animal kingdom use magnetoreception to detect and orient themselves to Earth’s magnetic field, with this behaviour having been observed in bacteria, algae, mud snails, lobsters, eels, stingrays, honey bees, mole rats, newts, …

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Brahmasthan Vastu Essentials

Named after Lord Brahma, known as the creator of the world, Brahmastan is the central point of energy of a property and determines the directions of Vastu. Considered the most holy and powerful location of a home, it symbolises Lord Brahma’s position and is the central energy point where energy from all directions converge. Crucially …

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Ayurveda and the Five Elements

The Five Elements of Ayurveda (also known as Panchmahabhuta), the sister science of yoga and one of the oldest medical systems still in practice today, are prithvi (earth), jal (water), agni (fire), vayu (air), and akasha (ether or space). Forming the foundation of Ayurveda, these elements represent both the physical and energetic qualities of the …

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